What dangers do Christmas trees pose to pets?

How can you pet-proof your Christmas tree?

It’s the most wonderful time of year. We all love Christmas, and that includes our pets! At Christmas time, it’s worth making sure that your cats and dogs are safe and can enjoy the holiday season as much as we do. No home is complete without a Christmas tree and they can make great pet pictures! But what danger do they pose to cats and dogs?

Cat-proof your Christmas tree

If you’re a pet owner, you’ll want to make sure that your Christmas tree is safe for cats. Cats – and young kittens especially – can be quite inquisitive (short for pesky!)

Something strange and new popping up in their home like a Christmas tree can be prime target for a spot of exploring. Cats and kittens love to climb trees where they can hide and get a perfect vantage point, but what should you do to cat-proof your Christmas tree?

Cat friendly Christmas trees

Some cats can't resist exploring in our Christmas trees!

1) Secure your decorations

If you think that your cats are going to be climbing in your Christmas tree, then you’ll need to make sure that your decorations are secure. Try not to use any fragile baubles and make sure that the decorations you do use are fastened tight!

If you’re going to use tinsel, beware that it can look suspiciously like a toy to many cats!

2) Use a heavy base for your Christmas tree

You can’t keep an eye on your cat all of the time. If your cat or kitten does go exploring, then you’ll want to make sure that the base of your Christmas tree is heavy enough that it won’t topple over. This could be dangerous for both your cat and your belongings!

3) Christmas tree needles and cats

The oils produced by some types of Christmas tree – including fir, pine and spruce trees – can irritate your cat’s mouth and cause vomiting. Not only that, but the needles themselves are spiky and not easily digested, which could cause problems if your cat were to swallow any.

Christmas tree cat repellent

If you want to keep your cat away from your Christmas tree then there’s a few things that you can do to stop them from climbing and chewing on the needles.

If you can, try and put your Christmas tree in a room where where your cat doesn’t spend much time in.

It’s said that orange peel, citrus spray and apple cider vinegar will do the trick in deterring your cat from playing with your Christmas tree.

Can Christmas trees make dogs sick?

Some dogs love to eat! And let’s face it, over the festive season it’s one of the very best things to do. However, Christmas tree needles can cause digestion issues and can irritate your dog’s eyes if they get too close to them.

Some Christmas trees also produce oils which can leave your dog with an upset tummy. Make sure that your dog or puppy knows to stay away from your tree and reward them with tasty treats that they can eat.

Dog-friendly Christmas trees

You can help alleviate any worry over the Christmas period by dog-proofing your Christmas tree. If your dog is going to be left alone while you’re out dropping off presents or if you’re expecting visitors yourself, you’ll want to make sure that both your dog and Christmas tree are safe.

dog proof your Christmas tree

It's a good idea to keep sweets and treats away from your tree if you're a dog owner.

1) Keep any treats away from your tree

Plenty of Christmas trees across the country will be adorned with chocolates and candy canes, but this isn’t a good idea for dog owners. Any form of edible treats on your tree isn’t a good idea with a hungry pup around – especially chocolate.

2) Secure your Christmas tree

Dogs can be just like us when it comes to Christmas time – excitable! If you own a larger dog, then their wagging tail could cause a problem. You can remedy this by attaching fishing line to your Christmas tree and either the wall or the ceiling to help secure it in place. A nice heavy base should also do the trick.

3) Be wary of lights

It’s great to see our Christmas tree all lit up at night. Some curious pups can get caught up in the cords and wires however, so you’ll need to keep them tidy and out of the way. If you are putting lights on your tree, then try not to put them around the bottom branches where your dog is likely to be able to get to them.

4) Introduce your dog to your Christmas tree

If this if your first Christmas with a pup, then you may want to think about getting your tree up early enough so that your dog can get used to it slowly. Start with a bare, undecorated tree and leave it up until your dog is bored of sniffing it and is comfortable sharing a room with it. Then you can start to decorate!

